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Friday, January 11, 2008

Blog Activity

suspended indefinately. I'll try to keep my Ravelry profile as up to date as possible with any knitting I manage to get done. (E-mail me if you don't have my Ravelry ID.) Catch ya' later!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

This is the first year for this tree at my house, though it lived for many years at my MIL's house. She gave it me when she bought a new one. I did not realize until I opened the box a week ago that this tree -- in keeping with its vintage-ness -- is all separate pieces. All the branches have to be put in individually. This is why I opened it a week ago and finished it today. Also, only one of my strands of lights worked and I had to go buy more. That set me back. I don't know how well the ornaments show up in this image but there are a LOT of knitting motifs, esp. mittens, and a LOT a lot of SciFi ornaments, esp. Star Trek.

I love my tree!

Amelia likes it, too:


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Portrait of Me in the Christmas Spirit

I suppose.

Will try to put up Christmas tree this weekend as there are people coming to my house for the holiday this year for the first time since my sister bought a house.

NaNoWriMo ends tomorrow. I'm behind, but not so very far behind that it would be impossible for me win. Just very unlikely.

Started a new project with the Zephyr lace yarn. Yum.